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? It's essential to abstain ____________________ unhealthy habits to maintain good health .
? I completely agree ____________________ your assessment of the situation .
? He had to apologize ____________________ his friend ____________________ the misunderstanding .
? The father didn't approve ____________________ his son's decision to drop out of school .
? The travelers arrived ____________________ Paris after a long flight .
? The beggar decided ____________________ beg for some spare change on the street .
? Many students benefit ____________________ scholarship programs .
? Beware ____________________ the slippery floor ; it's dangerous .
? He tends to boast ____________________ his achievements .
? The hotel decided to charge ____________________ late check - outs .
? The police decided to charge the suspect ____________________ theft .
? The customer filed a complaint ____________________ receiving a damaged product .
? It's crucial to comply ____________________ safety regulations in the workplace .
? The novel consists ____________________ three main parts .
? She learned to cope ____________________ stress through mindfulness .
? The manager needs to deal ____________________ customer complaints promptly .
? The team needs to decide ____________________ a strategy for the upcoming game .
? Our success will depend ____________________ everyone working together .
? The employees were told to insist ____________________ safety protocols .
? Don't laugh ____________________ others ; it's not polite .
? The adventurer longs ____________________ the freedom of the open road .
? The scientist decided to name the newly discovered species ____________________ her mentor .
? The student decided to persist ____________________ studying despite the challenges .
? We can rely ____________________ him to complete the project on time .
? The controversial decision will likely result ____________________ protests .
? The frustrated manager decided to shout ____________________ the negligent employee .
? The patient has been suffering ____________________ chronic pain for years .