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Mum , Dad , Ben and Tess are in the van . They are ____________________ on a camping ____________________ in the forest . Sam and Pam have never been on a camping adventure before .

When they get there Dad finds a place to camp . Dad loves camping .
? Being surrounded by nature and being out in the fresh ____________________ is such a ____________________ ! ? laughs Dad .

Ben and Tess share a tent . They can hear an ____________________ . They enjoy making owl noises until Mum gets annoyed .
? Twit - twoo ! Twit - twoo ! ?
? Oi ! Don't be so noisy ! ? she shouts .
? Twit - twoo ! Twit - twoo ! ?
? Shhhhh ! Noisy ! ? says Pam .

The next day Ben and Tess meet a ____________________ with very fair ____________________ . He knows a lot about ____________________ . He tells them that rare ____________________ used to live in the forest .
? I think I prefer my ____________________ bear , ? says Tess . Tess looks ____________________ .

They are walking in the forest and see ____________________ , deer and hares . Mum likes hares . ? They are like big rabbits with long ears , ? Mum explains . Sam and Pam have never seen these animals . They take out their spypad . ? ____________________ . ? ? Cow . ? ? Deer . ?

They walk through lots of trees , leaves and sticks on their adventure . ? Be careful , some sticks are sharp ! ? shouts Dad .

? Ouch ! ? Ben has hurt his ear . Dad puts some ____________________ on it .
? This will cure you . ?
? Are you sure ? ? says Ben rubbing his ear .
? Ouch . ?
? Cure . ?

It's the last night of their camping adventure . ? Go to sleep now , ? says Dad . Everyone is quiet until they hear a strange ____________________ .

Mum , Dad , Ben and Tess peer out of their tents . They can see a wild pig . It's ____________________ with lots of hair and a long snout . ? Get away from here ! ? shouts Mum .

On the way home Tess says , ? What a great camping adventure . Nature's fun that's for ____________________ ! ?
? Thanks Mum and Dad for our camping adventure , ? says Ben still holding his ____________________ !