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The public stereotyped 1950s young people as juvenile delinquents if they had long hair or if they _____

Long-standing patterns of _____ kept African-Americans poor, even though 3 million had migrated from the South to North

1950s, Native Americans were the _____ ethnic group in America & made up less than 1% of the population

A rule that _____ residents of public housing when they began earning a higher income accidentally created a condition that supported poverty

Slums were torn down and replaced with high-rises, creating crowded projects full of poor residents and often leading to an environment of _____ .

When the mountainous region of Appalachia _____ its coal mining industry, unemployment soared.

Parents were concerned about juvenile delinquency & turned to ____ as a possible solution

Antisocial or criminal behavior of young people is called _____ , and it rose 45% in the U.S. from 1948 to 1953

Schools might have solved 1950s delinquency, but millions of _____ entered the system & districts struggled to pay for buildings and teachers

1950s poor includes single mothers, the elderly, minorities, & _____ , both African- & European-Americans.

Compared to 68 years for other Minneapolis residents, Native Americans in the 1950s could expect to live _____

This federal policy made Native Americans subject to the same laws as European Americans & withdrew all official recognition of their status.

Lorraine Hansberry wrote _____ & it opened on Broadway, telling the story of an African American family struggling against poverty and racism

When _____ launched Sputnik I & Sputnik II, many felt America's education system had fallen behind its Cold War enemy.

Cities could no longer provide transportation & housing because they no longer received _____ from former middle-class residents

Experts blamed 1950s juvenile delinquency on comic books, racism, TV, busy parents, movies, divorce, military draft, lack of religion, & _____ .

1950s, Despite an expansion of the middle class, 1 in 5 Americans lived below this:

The government sets a figure which is the minimum income required to _____ , also known as the poverty line.

The poor and _____ lacked the means to escape the city, so they were left behind when middle-class families moved to the suburbs

_____ of Minneapolis would take in friends until fifteen people filled a 2-room home