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The Stamp Act


Thomas Jefferson

French and Indian War


John Hancock

Declaration of Independence

Samuel Adams

Treaty of Paris

Benedict Arnold

King George III

Intolerable Acts of 1774

Paul Revere

Thomas Paine

Quartering Act

Battle of Lexington and Concord

Crispus Attucks

George Washington

Boston Tea Party

End of the Revolution. Said states make their own rules and that British troops would leave American territories

1775 the first battle of the Revolution

1765 King George said colonists would pay a tax on all printed materials

Colonies forced to provide housing for British soldiers

First to sign the Declaration of Independence

1773 - A protest where colonists threw tea overboard to show their anger about Britain's taxation without representation

Ended 1763 - One of the events that lead up to the Revolution

He established the Sons of Liberty - a Patriot who opposed the British Acts in America

The first fatality of the Revolution. He died during the Boston Massacre

A famous writer and Patriot. He wrote "Common Sense", which criticized the king

He was a member of the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress. He was the author of the Declaration of Independence

1776 Document that made colonies free from British rule

Loyal to the king (Britain)

Britain created these to control the colonists and help settle their debts. These angered the colonists.

Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army. Our first president

Opposed British rule. Wanted independence

Member of the Sons of Liberty- he rode from Boston to Lexington and warned the colonists that the British were coming

monarch of England during the war

A traitor - An American who joined the British. He was a general during the revolution for both sides.