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Technological capabilities

Trade dispute

Trade imbalance

Natural resources

Economic competitiveness

Foreign exchange reserves

Global economy

Economic growth



The act of giving something and receiving something of the same value in return.

Materials or substances that occur naturally within an environment and can be used for economic gain.

A situation in which a country imports more goods and services than it exports, leading to a deficit in its balance of trade.

The ability of a country to produce goods and services that can compete with those of other countries or regions in terms of price and quality.

The foreign currency deposits held by a central bank or other monetary authority.

The ability of a society or organization to develop and use technology

The economic system that includes all countries and their interactions.

To focus on or be an expert in a particular area or field.

When one country feels that its trade partners are not following fair trade practices or are imposing tariffs or other trade barriers on its products

An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services.