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" Hey Mark , can you help me ____________________ these old files from my computer ? "
" Sure , just select them and press delete . "

" I always ____________________ my computer before going to bed . "
" That's a good habit . It saves energy . "

" Can you ____________________ the printer ? I need to print some documents . "
" Sure , just make sure it's plugged in first . "

" I need to ____________________ my phone to charge it . "
" Okay , there's an outlet over there . "

" I'm trying to ____________________ a new app , but my phone says I don't have enough storage space . "
" You should delete some old apps or files to make room . "

" Can you ____________________ out this document for me ? "
" Sure , just send it to the printer . "

" I can't ____________________ to my email . I think I forgot my password . "
" Did you try resetting it ? "

" I ____________________ every day for many hours . "
" You should take breaks and do something else too . "