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Jouer Devinette

In the digital shadows where dangers reside, I'm the unseen menace, ready to subside. What am I in the realm of networks and files?

Think of me as a silent invader, a digital spy, Infecting systems covertly as I pass by. What term am I in this stealthy try?

In the realm of cyber threats, I'm a dark affair, A malicious program causing networks to beware. What's the term for this digital scare?

a venomous file, I sneak into systems, causing a digital trial. What term am I, a danger in disguise?

In the world of cybersecurity, I'm the foe, A piece of code that disrupts the status quo. What term am I, causing a digital woe?

Picture a stealthy intruder in the digital domain, I'm the term for this threat, causing networks pain. What am I in this digital campaign?

Think of a code that hides its evil plan, I'm the term for this threat, a digital man. What am I, spreading through the network span?

I lurk in the shadows of code, A digital specter on an exploit road. Uninvited, I weave through the binary dance, A clandestine partner in the cyber-romance.

Not a virus, yet I infect with glee, Stealthy and cunning, I evade to be free. Trojan horses beware, In the bytes and bits, my presence you'll snare.