Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
1 - Izmir is in the ____________________ of Turkey .
2 - Antalya is in the ____________________ of Turkey .
3 - Germany is an industrial ____________________ .
4 - What's the ____________________ like ? Is it hot ?
5 - There is a self - service ____________________ next to the school .
6 - You can get to the island by ____________________ .
7 - Karakoy is the busiest ____________________ in Istanbul .
8 - Bodrum is a great ____________________ for a holiday .
9 - There are two ____________________ in Istanbul .
10 - There is a party on the ____________________ .
11 - There are many surfers on the ____________________ .
12 - Venice is famous for its ____________________ .
13 - They always go to ____________________ on Sundays .
14 - There are two computer labs in this ____________________ .
15 - Wait right here at the ____________________ stop sign !