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____________________ is the time from fertilization to birth .
The time from fertilization to birth usually last ____________________ weeks .
____________________ takes place in one of the fallopian tubes .
A sperm cell fuses with an ovum to form a ____________________ .
Cells divide to form a ball called a ____________________ .
When the ball of cells reaches the ____________________ it attaches itself to the wall of the uterus .
In the uterus , the ____________________ develops .
When all the organs are formed , the form is called the ____________________ .
The foetus grows in the ____________________ ____________________ , which protects it .
The amniotic sac is filled with ____________________ ____________________ .
The foetus is attached to the mother by the ____________________ ____________________ .
The ____________________ ____________________ is the remains of the umbilical cord .
The ____________________ provides nutrients and oxygen , and removes waste products .