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26 If ____________________ casts out ____________________ , he is ____________________ against ____________________ . How then will his ____________________ ____________________ ? 27 And if ____________________ cast out ____________________ by ____________________ , by whom do your ____________________ cast them ____________________ ? ____________________ they shall be your ____________________ . 28 But if I ____________________ out ____________________ by the ____________________ of ____________________ , surely the ____________________ of ____________________ has come ____________________ you . 29 Or how can ____________________ enter a ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ his ____________________ , unless he ____________________ ____________________ the strong ____________________ ? And then he will ____________________ his ____________________ . 30 He who is ____________________ with ____________________ is ____________________ ____________________ , and he who does not ____________________ with ____________________ scatters ____________________ .