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Greatness Is Serving
20 Then the ____________________ of ____________________ ____________________ came to ____________________ with her ____________________ , ____________________ down and ____________________ something from Him .

21 And He said to her , ? ____________________ ____________________ you ____________________ ? ?

22 But ____________________ answered and said , ? ____________________ do not ____________________ what you ____________________ . Are you ____________________ to ____________________ the ____________________ that I am about to ____________________ , and be ____________________ with the ____________________ that I am ____________________ with ? ?
They said to Him , ? ____________________ are ____________________ . ?
23 So He said to them , ? You will indeed ____________________ My ____________________ , and be ____________________ with the ____________________ that I am ____________________ with ; but to ____________________ on My ____________________ ____________________ and on My ____________________ is not ____________________ to ____________________ , but it is for ____________________ for whom it is ____________________ by My ____________________ . ?

She said to Him , ? ____________________ that these ____________________ sons of ____________________ may sit , ____________________ on Your ____________________ hand and the ____________________ on the ____________________ , in Your ____________________ . ?