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Jouer Compléter
Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
12 At that time ____________________ went ____________________ the ____________________ on the ____________________ . And His ____________________ were ____________________ , and began to ____________________ ____________________ of ____________________ and to ____________________ . 2 And when the ____________________ saw it , they said to Him , ? ____________________ , Your ____________________ are ____________________ what is ____________________ ____________________ to ____________________ on the ____________________ ! ?

3 But He said to them , ? ____________________ you not ____________________ what ____________________ did when ____________________ was ____________________ , he and ____________________ who ____________________ with ____________________ : 4 how he ____________________ the ____________________ of ____________________ and ____________________ the ____________________ which was not ____________________ for ____________________ to ____________________ , nor for ____________________ who were with ____________________ , but ____________________ for the ____________________ ? 5 Or have ____________________ not ____________________ in the ____________________ that on the ____________________ the ____________________ in the ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ , and are ____________________ ? 6 Yet I say to ____________________ that in this ____________________ there is ____________________ ____________________ than the ____________________ . 7 But if you had ____________________ what this ____________________ , ? I ____________________ ____________________ and not ____________________ , ' [ a ] you would ____________________ have ____________________ the ____________________ . 8 For the ____________________ of ____________________ is ____________________ even [ b ] of the ____________________ . ?