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The evaporation of water produces ____________________ , which is the amount of water vapour in the air . When water vapour ____________________ , it condenses in ____________________ and forms ____________________ . Their size and weight ____________________ when they get colder so they become too heavy to remain ____________________ in the air and fall to the Earth's surface . It is precipitation , which may be rain , snow or ____________________ .
? Latitude : precipitation is higher near the ____________________ because the Sun's rays reach the Earth at a perpendicular angle , so there is more ____________________ .
? Altitude : it rains more in ____________________ areas because when the air rises and cools , it forms clouds and it rains .
? Distance from the sea : it rains more on the ____________________ than inland because seas are a source of ____________________ .
? ____________________ : The Sun heats the ground and water evaporates . Water vapour rises and cools . Clouds form and it rains .
? ____________________ : Humid air reaches a mountain , rises and cools . Clouds form and it rains .
? ____________________ : A mass of hot humid air meets a mass of cold air , the hot air weighs less , so it rises and cools . Clouds form and it rains .