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Favorite place to be is at the beach

Favorite place to be is at a sporting event

Favorite place to be is on their patio

Favorite place to be is on a road trip with family

Favorite place to be is in the mountains

Ms. Camp

Mrs. Pondrom

Mr. Lyles

Mrs. Arnold

Mrs. Jones

Favorite thing to do is workout with friends

Favorite thing to do is travel

Favorite thing to do is crossword puzzles

Favorite thing to do is read to their children

Favorite thing to do is try new coffee shops or restaurants

Mrs. Pondrom

Mr. Lyles

Mrs. Jones

Mrs. Arnold

Ms. Camp

This person assistant directed an Off-Broadway show

This person got married during quarantine (thanks, COVID!)

This person is a certified SCUBA diver

This person has never had a carbonated beverage

This person just got their first pet (ever!) last September

Mrs. Jones

Ms. Camp

Mrs. Pondrom

Mrs. Arnold

Mr. Lyles

___ is proud they made it to work on time today

___ is proud that they completed grad school while working three jobs

___ is proud to balance a career they love while being active with family

___ is proud that they were the first in their family to graduate from college

___ is proud that they lived in the United Arab Emirates for three years

Mrs. Pondrom

Ms. Camp

Mrs. Arnold

Mr. Lyles

Mrs. Jones

Few people know that this person prefers writing with pencils instead of pens

Few people know that this person plays the viola

Few people know that this person loves to do puzzles

Few people know that this person planned to go to law school before they fell in love with admissions/college counseling

Few people know that this person completed an internship in play therapy

Mrs. Pondrom

Ms. Camp

Mrs. Jones

Mr. Lyles

Mrs. Arnold

Three adjectives to describe Ms. Camp

Three adjectives to describe Mr. Lyles

Three adjectives to describe Mrs. Jones

Three adjectives to describe Mrs. Arnold

Three adjectives to describe Mrs. Pondrom

Sarcastic, helpful, sensitive

Loyal, sarcastic, non-confrontational

Introverted, supportive, dependable

Analytical, creative, level-headed

Independent, organized, caring