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1 Massed Russian artillery slaughtered this famous cavalry unit in the Crimean War in 1853-6. (p.722, 2 words)
3 Marx consider repression of the working class in the name of "order" in the June Revolution of 1848 in Paris a repulsive act of this social class. (pp. 690-1)
4 Napoleon 3 destroyed the medieval tangle of narrow streets in Paris (places where protesters could hide--the Latin Quarter in Paris is still a very quaint surviving sample) with a series of these long wide roads (that could move troops rapidly throughout the city) radiating from a central point. (p.705, note the similar rational city planning in the new US capitol.)
5 A vote of the people that allows a dictator like Napoleon 3 to make drastic changes that take away civil liberties like freedom of the press and freedom of assembly. (p.693)
6 Revolution failed among the 39 German states in 1848 due to their lack of unity, but they made one great economic (mercantilist) decision that allowed them to trade freely with each other while erecting trade barriers with other nations. This opened for them alone their immense internal trade market of 34 million people. Lesson: the Germans have harnessed their economic power; when they learn to harness their political power, watch out. (p.694)
7 He was an Italian nationalist who combined the romantic vision of the Young Italy clubs and guerrilla fighting tactics learned while in exile in Latin America to liberate Sicily and Southern Italy and then selflessly hand them over to the conservative leadership of the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia that had unified the North of Italy. (pp.707-9)
8 Tsar Alexander 2 abolished serfdom and did some very shady land redistribution in 1861, but the Russian peasants were still tied down to the _________ by installment payments. (p. 715-18)
9 Decade of greatest hunger and famine in 19th century Europe. (p.689)
10 realpolitik (p.710)
11 Tsar Alexander 2 abolished serfdom and did some very shady land redistribution in 1861, but the Russian peasants were still tied down to the _________ by installment payments. (p. 715-18)
12 This cunning Conservative leader pushed through the Second Reform Bill of 186 that extended the vote to the working class of even modest means (p.706).
13 The conservative Tocqueville saw the June Revolution of 1848 in Paris as an attempt to change not the government but the organization of ______. (p.691)
14 This area of Eastern Europe bordering the Black Sea became an independent nation as a result of the Crimean War in 1853-6. (p.722)
15 Romantic nationalist (ca. 1850) who inspired followers in his "Young Italy" clubs. (p.701)
16 Wealthy Russian landowner and author who dressed like a peasant. (p.724)
17 When the conservative governments outlawed the free assembly of citizens to protest in 1848 in Paris, the revolutionaries held ______ in order to assemble and voice their opposition. (p.691-2)
18 The US president from the first half of the 1800's who transformed the more limited liberal view of Jefferson into a more populist vision of democracy and nationalism. (p.718)
19 The class of conservative landed aristocrats in Germany. (p.710)
20 In the Seven Weeks War of 1866, Bismarck added to Prussia the North-Eastern territory of Schleswig-Holstein and weakened this European power by making it give the North Italian region of Venetia back to Italy (p.711).
21 In the Franco-Prussian War of o1870, Bismarck decisively broke the balance of power by taking this border region from France and adding it to his German Empire. (p.712)
22 "In Italy a democratic movement has no chance of success." (p.707)
23 The non-Slavic language of the small but influential aristocracy in Hungary (p.698).
24 Great Hungarian composer from Vienna. (p.715)
25 Socialist leader who organized "national workshops" (funded by the government) to provide employment for the 120,000 unemployed in Paris in June 1848. (p.692)
26 He wrote: "All facts and personages of great importance in world history occur twice...the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." (p.692)
27 The Liberal utilitarian philosopher who defended individual freedom against "the tyranny of the majority" and wrote a classic defense of women's freedom. (p.706)