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Mexico was the home to highly developed ____________________ , including the Mayas and the Toltecs ( later called the ____________________ ) , since at least the 10th ____________________ . In the early ____________________ , Spanish ____________________ came to Mexico , brutally toppling the local rulers , claiming the land for Spain , ____________________ many Indians , and looting what they could of Mexico's ____________________ . For over ____________________ years , Mexico , then called ____________________ ____________________ , was a part of Spain's ____________________ .
On ____________________ 16 , 1810 , the priest Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla started a revolt against Spanish rule . He and his untrained Indian followers fought against the Spanish , but his ____________________ was unsuccessful and Father Hidalgo was executed . After this setback , Father Jose Maria Morelos led the revolutionaries , but he also failed and was ____________________ . These two men are still symbols of Mexican ____________________ and patriotism .

After the Mexican - born Spanish and the Catholic Church joined the revolution , Spain was finally ____________________ in 1821 . Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16 of each year , the ____________________ of the start of Father Hidalgo's revolt .