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Jouer Relier Colonnes

When the bus arrived, people on the bus stop _______ .

My city was right in the hurricane's path. I was _______ with fear. We were okay in the end.

Shaun wants to go to Japan but flights are 2000 euros. With our current budget, he's _______.

Kyle's been blamed for stealing money from Ella. I don't think that's true, it's not like him to do that, but _______.

Paula did all the work for the project but on the day of presentation she was sick. I basically _____. She was so mad at me but I found it hilarious.

Josh got fired again. He lost some important files for the boss. The poor guy's a real _______ .

Anna said she can't meet this weekend. Apparently she's _______ with paperwork.

My whole family is coming over this weekend, including all my little cousins. I'm enjoying _______ because after Friday there's going to be chaos.

a walking disaster

chasing rainbows

were flooded in

where there's smoke, there's fire

stole her thunder

the calm before the storm

snowed under

quaking in my boots