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1. Bad Government's regulation has caused
causado Lgobierno Lregulación Lmala Ldel Lha Lpor LLa Lparte
2. Nowadays it's a very serious problem
un Aproblema Agrave AActualmente Aes Amuy
3. The way I see it, humans are extracting so much of this resource
recurso Clos Cestamos Cyo, C Cveo Cde Ceste Ctanto Cextrayendo CComo Chumanos Clo
4. that nothing will be left for future generations
nada qque qquedará qfuturas qpara qno qgeneraciones
5. eventually it will leave us with a lost of sea life/ forests...
eventualmente emarina euna epérdida econducirá elos ebosques ede/ e evida ede ea. e. e
6. In my opinion, there are many cars which are not electric and pollute
son Ay Ano, A Acoches Aeléctricos Aque Ahay Ami Aparecer Amuchos Acontaminan AA
7. On the left of the image we can see what looks like a factory
izquierda EEn Ede Efábrica Ese Elo Eparte Ela Eimagen Eparece Euna Eque Eve Ela
8. This photo could have been taken in Mexico
hecho Een Epodría EMéxico EEsta Ehaberse Efoto
9. The way I see it, we have to take steps from now
tenemos Cadoptar Cque Cmedidas, C Cyo Cya CComo Cdesde Cveo Clo
10. In addition, it has powerful consequences when it comes to
gran Arefiere AAsimismo Aconsecuencias Alo Ade Aa Aque Atiene Ase Aalcance Aen A