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1. Fixed Mindset
2. Growth Mindset 1

I have just started drawing, and with practice, I will be able to create beautiful art.

I never learned to ride a bike and I never will.

I will never be as good as my sister at dancing.

Reading is sometimes challenging for me, but I could ask my teachers and friends for some book suggestions.

My sister has been dancing for a long time. If I ask her to work with me, I could learn a lot and improve my own dancing.

Math is too hard for me, I'm just not good at it.

Reading is always going to be too hard for me. There's no point in trying.

I am not good at drawing. I don't even want to try to draw.

Riding a bike sounds like fun; I will practice every day until I can ride down the sidewalk by myself.

Math is hard for me right now, but I can get better at math by reaching out to my teacher.

Surfing seems cool and I want to learn more about it.

Surfing is too hard for someone like me, there's no way I could do that.