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Once upon a time , in a school called Happy Elementary , there was a ____________________ where the students enjoyed their meals . The canteen was located next to the ____________________ , where the students played sports and had physical education classes . The ____________________ were spread across the ____________________ , and the students would walk through them to get to their classes . The ____________________ was a quiet place where the students could borrow books and study . The ____________________ was at the end of the corridor , and the students would go there if they had any problems or needed assistance . The ____________________ was a room where the students practiced their language skills . The ____________________ was a fun place where the students played during recess . The ____________________ was where the students had their sports activities . The ____________________ area was where visitors were welcomed . The ____________________ was where the students conducted experiments and learned about science . The ____________________ was where the teachers gathered during their break . The ____________________ led to different floors of the school , and the ____________________ was where the school supplies were kept . Lastly , the ____________________ were located at the end of the corridor .