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Another ____________________ doing the ____________________ things . . .
After ____________________ get - together at Patrick's . We always ____________________ the same ____________________ . Ugh !
I ____________________ go to ____________________ out with the guys because I like ____________________ at home with all the ____________________ .
____________________ talk ____________________ our day and that's ____________________ !
After ____________________ , to the ____________________ center ! We all meet ____________________ for a ____________________ of basketball .
Saturday morning , ____________________ first . But then , I ____________________ to the ____________________ center .
Meet ____________________ and have a soda at burger ____________________ .
Burgers are ____________________ , but a ____________________ is ok .
Back home at ____________________ . Sleep in the ____________________ and Disco at ____________________ ! We all ____________________ dancing .
____________________ mornings , ____________________ with ____________________ chores .
Relaxed ____________________ . Typical dinner at ____________________ . She ____________________ to perfection !