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1 . Direct Speech : " I like tomatoes . " Reported Speech : She ____________________ that ____________________ liked ____________________ .

2 . Direct Speech : " Jack took my toy ! " Reported Speech : He said ____________________ Jack ____________________ ____________________ his toy .

3 . Direct Speech : " They are playing outside . " Reported Speech : She said that ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ outside .

4 . Direct Speech : " My mom is here . " Reported Speech : She ____________________ that ____________________ mom ____________________ here .

5 . Direct Speech : " Sara is four years old . " Reported Speech : He said ____________________ Sara ____________________ four ____________________ ____________________ . "

6 . Direct Speech : " Remy pushed me ! " Reported Speech : She ____________________ ____________________ Remy ____________________ ____________________ her .

7 . Direct Speech : " Jack has a bleeding nose . " Reported Speech : He ____________________ that Jack ____________________ a ____________________ ____________________ .

8 . Direct Speech : " I'm washing my hands . " Reported Speech : She said ____________________ she ____________________ ____________________ her ____________________ .

9 . Direct Speech : " It's time for lunch . " Reported Speech : She ____________________ that ____________________ ____________________ time ____________________ lunch .

10 . Direct Speech : " I have already finished . " Reported Speech : She said ____________________ she ____________________ already ____________________ .