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I can't MAKE UP MY MIND whether I like this painting. I didn't think I liked it, but I keep coming back to it.

Nobody goes into art to MAKE A GOOD LIVING.

There's something powerful about her paintings. They MAKE A BIG IMPRESSION on me every time I see them.

Her exhibition is going to MAKE QUITE A SPLASH.

We wanted to MAKE THE MOST OF our trip to Moscow by visiting as many museums and galleries as possible.

Older artists should MAKE WAY FOR the younger generation.

Can art MAKE A DIFFERENCE in people's lives?

A lot of his abstract work DOESN'T MAKE MUCH SENSE to me.

give an opportunity to

change things in an important way

take advantage of something while it lasts


be memorable and affect someone

be noticed by a lot of people and be popular

earn enough money to live comfortably

be difficult to understand