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The students were all ____________________ by the wonderful speech .
The crowd was ____________________ when they saw the singer on the stage .
The pictures of the accident on the news last night were very ____________________ .
The book was so ____________________ ! I want to start a new hobby today .
William is ____________________ he will find his perfect partner one day .
A few ____________________ words from his mother caused the baby to stop crying immediately .
Patrick's ____________________ personality captivated all the women in class .
Ronald's awesome scores were very ____________________ for his boss .
I don't know . Your facts are not ____________________ .
It is ____________________ to climb volcanoes if you are not used to it .
This math exercise is ____________________ . I'm not good with algebra !
I don't want to talk to the new exchange student . She's so ____________________ !
I was so ____________________ to see you picking me up at the airport !
I am not ____________________ for you . You are capable of solving your problems .
Well . . . it's an ____________________ point of view , but frankly , I don't agree .