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1. What are they good at?
at are good singing They.
2. What is he good at?
He at is good bowling.
3. What is he good at?
is at good He fishing.
4. What is he good at?
table at He good is tennis.
5. What is he good at?
good ice is at He skating.
6. What are they good at?
are good at They dancing.
7. What are they good at?
They cooking are good at.
8. What is he good at?
at He playing good is basketball.
9. What is he good at?
at kayaking is good He.
10. What is he good at?
at piano He the is playing good.
11. What is he good at?
He the at good guitar is playing.
12. What is she good at?
playing is good She at football.
13. What is he good at?
He at biking good mountain is.
14. What is he good at?
good is at sailing He.
15. What are they good at?
They good tennis playing at are.
16. What is he good at?
He at is skateboarding good.
17. What is she good at?
She is good at skiing.
18. What is he good at?
He snowboarding is good at.