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Humans need to decide what kind of ____________________ we want to leave on
the planet .
Ordinary ____________________ have a pivotal role to play concerning what kind of
footprint they leave on this planet . ____________________ the many strands of ____________________ change will be a ____________________ , bottom - up movement .

People have been ____________________ by the media and convinced of
their ____________________ on this issue . They need to feel that they have the power to change things .

It is critical that the ____________________ taken are felt to be feasible and effective , and that reverting climatic trends means neither personal ____________________ nor the end of our natural resources .

What can we do ? We can make sure that our ____________________ ____________________
meet the highest ____________________ ? ciency standards . We can install solar panels and buy electric cars , so soon we will no longer need fossil fuels to generate energy .

We can reduce our consumption of water by using rainwater
recapture systems and lowering volume ? ush in toilets and in shower - head ? ow .

More importantly , we can band together with like - minded neighbors to build communities which ____________________ our planet . We must ____________________ agency , for ? We are the music makers , and we are the dreamers of dreams , ? as written in the poem Ode by Arthur O ? Shaughnessy .

The footprints of technology lead away from the ____________________ .

Tomas Malthus famously theorized that the ____________________ in the Earth ? s population would ____________________ our ____________________ to produce su ? cient food thereby leading to a lack and ____________________ .
Has his prediction , presented in 1798 , come close to reality ? The answer is a clear ? no ? . So , what has happened ?

Great ____________________ in agriculture productivity have been accomplished , and food is more than abundantly supplied for the billions of new earth dwellers .

Any ____________________ are on the distribution side rather than the production side .

What many fail to grasp about climate change is that , while
many predict Malthusian doomsday scenarios due to global
warming , new solutions are provided and new technologies are
implemented to guarantee the continuance of mankind on this
planet . Therefore , it is ____________________ that massive investments in
Research and Development be made .

Solar , nuclear , wind , tide , ____________________ , and other yet undreamed
technologies will allow us to cut green house gas emissions to zero .

Furthermore , as these new technologies are transferred to the developing world .

Bypassing 20th century technologies entirely , they will reduce
even further the carbon dioxide currently being pumped into the
atmosphere .

Clearly , the footprint of a brighter future bears the impression of innovation . .