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I TThis T6 Twas Tby Twritten Tjournal Twas Twhen Tme. T
2. Linda drives a red car.
A Ared Ais ALinda Aby Acar Adriven. A
3. Someone stole my phone.
phone Mstolen Mwas MMy. M
4. The police arrested the burglar.
the Tburglar Tby TThe Tarrested Tpolice Twas. T
5. The film tells the story of a vampire and a human.
a Tand TThe Tstory Tthe Thuman Ta Tis Tin Ttold Tof Tfilm Tvampire. T
6. She recommended me this series about superheroes.
series Tto Trecommended Tabout Tby Ther Tsuperheroes Twas TThis Tme. T
7. I listen to the Harry Potter soundtrack while I study.
The Tsoundtrack THarry Tme Twhile Tby Tlistened Tis TPotter TI Tstudy. T
8. She hid her marks because she failed.
her Hfailed Hshe Hhidden HHer Hwere Hbecause Hmarks Hby. H
9. We play football every Saturday.
by FFootball Fis Fplayed Fevery Fus FSaturday. F
10. My high school prepared an excursion last year.
by Ahigh Amy Awas Aprepared Ayear Aexcursion Alast Aschool AAn. A