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J K Rowling, Famous Writer

Being dyslexic has helped in the business world - he sees some things more clearly than other people.

Achieved his greatest piece of work at the age of 46, by which time he was completely deaf.

Ludwig van Beethoven, Famous Composer (someone who writes music)

Robbie Williams, Famous singer

Was put in the 'stupid row' in primary school, later, as an unemployed and struggling single parent, wrote on scraps of paper in an Edinburgh café.

Jamie Oliver, Famous chef and celebrity

Didn't speak until he was 7. His teacher described him as 'mentally slow', unsociable and 'adrift forever in his foolish dreams'.

Theo Paphitis, Entrepreneur and TV star

Kara Tointon

Albert Einstein, Brilliant Physicist

Didn't do well at school. People thought he was 'thick'.

Richard Branson, Famous entrepreneur (someone who comes up with a new idea and turns it into a successful business)

Suffered too much as a schoolboy, labelled as 'lazy' by his teachers and separated from his more 'intelligent' friends.

'Don't call me stupid'. Overcame dyslexia through hard work and perseverance.

Enjoys writing songs and tried to get into reading but just can't get into that 'book' thing.