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1. Dear followers, in this blog I'm going to talk about my experience in Spain because it's important to learn about different cultures and celebrations.
a EEspaña, E Ey EEstimados Eexperiencia Een Ehablar Ecelebraciones Eculturas Eaprender Ediferentes Een Eeste Esobre Ees Eimportante Eseguidores Eporque Eblog Evoy Emi Esobre
2. Next you are going to learn more info about my experiences.
a Amis AA Aexperiencias Avas Acontinuación Asobre Ainformación Amás Aleer. A
3. I went to Spain mid August with my friend, Valentina. We went by plane.
a Yamiga Yen Yfui Ymediados Yavión Ymi YValentina Ya Yagosto YFuimos, Y YEspaña. Y YYo Yde Yel Ycon. Y Y
4. When we landed at Madrid airport, I ate paella.
en Cde CCuando CMadrid Cel Ccomí Caterrizamos, C Caeropuerto Cpaella
5. It was delicious because it's different from my normal food.
porque EEra Ees Emi Ecomida Ediferente Edeliciosa Ehabitual Ede
6. We visited the Royal Palace and many museums
Visitamos Vreal Vmuchos Vmuseos Vel Vy Vpalacio
7. After a week, it was La Tomatina. La Tomatina was on the Weds.
una DTomatina DLa DLa, D DTomatina Dllegó Dsemana. D Dde Dmiércoles DDespués Del Dera. D D
8. Then on Tuesday, we took a train to Valencia that lasted 4 hrs. When we arrived at Bunol, it was full.
duró Eel Ellegamos EValencia Ehoras Eque Etren Eun, E EEntonces Ea Elleno Emartes. E Ecuatro Ea Ecogimos EBuñol, E Emuy ECuando Eestaba. E E
9. There were thousands of people and I couldn't breath. Everyone had a shower cap and had a plastic on their phones.
Todas un sobre teléfonos miles podía tenían llevaban. respirar las de ducha Había personas personas gorro y y sus un plástico no de.
10. And everyone said "tomato, tomato". Later, everyone threw tomatoes to each other. After the festival, the streets were very messy and dirty but it was very fun experience.
muy Ypero Ypersonas Ytodo Yfue Yuna! Y YDespués! Ytodas Yexperiencia Ytiraron, Y Ysucias Yy YMás Ydecía Ymundo Y¡Tomate. Y Yel Ycalles Ymuy, Y Ytomates Yse Yestaban Ytarde Y"¡Tomate YY Ydesordenadas, Y Ylas Y" Ydivertida Ydel Yfestival Ylas.
11. You must learn about the culture and the festival before going to Spain.
sobre Dde Da Dy DEspaña Daprender Dir Dcultura Dla Dfestival Del DDebes Dantes. D
12. You should learn some common words in Spanish
palabras Daprender Despañol Dalgunas Dcomunes DDeberías Den. D
13. You need to book a room before in case there are a lot of people.
por Nhay NNecesitas Nantes Nreservar Ngente Nuna Nsi Nhabitación Nmucha. N
14. I advise you to know the hotel area to be able to go back without problems.
poder Tdel Tlos Tsin TTe Tpara Taconsejo Talrededores Thotel Tproblemas Tconocer Tvolver. T
15. Besides, in India, they have a similar type of fun fights in the streets. it's called Holi
Holi, A Atipo Alúdicas, A Apeleas AAdemás Ade Asimilar Aen Alas Allama AIndia Aen Acalles. A Atienen Aun ASe. A
16. In Holi, people throw coloured powder and water to each other. Holi is a happy and colourful event.
un Dde, D Dcolores Des DHoli Dgente Dy Dse Dla DDurante Dpolvos. D DHoli Dcolorido Devento Dagua Dy Dalegre Darroja. D
17. It's a spring celebration. Both celebrations, La Tomatina and Holi are very lively and fun in their respective cultures.
primavera Ey Een Ede Esus. E Eson EEs Ecelebraciones ELa Eanimadas Euna Ede EAmbas Eculturas Ecelebración EHoli Ecelebraciones ETomatina Ey Edivertidas Erespectivas. E