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My name is Tim Black . I ? m a doctor . I work at a ____________________ . My wife , Kim , is a teacher . She ____________________ Music at a college . We ____________________ up at seven o ? clock every morning . Kim sets the table , and we ____________________ breakfast . Kim likes toast and tea , but I don ? t . I ____________________ an egg and I ____________________ milk at breakfast . Then , we leave home at a quarter past eight .
I start to work ____________________ nine o ? clock . I am very busy , so I can ? t have a break . At half past twelve , I ____________________ lunch at the hospital cafeteria . The food at the cafeteria is very good , so I don ? t go out for lunch . Kim returns home at three o ? clock in the afternoon , and I come back at five o ? clock . Afterwards , we have dinner at half past six . I ____________________ TV in the evenings , but Kim doesn ? t . She ____________________ a book or she ____________________ to music . We go to bed early after a tiring day .
At weekends we go to the cinema or theatre . My wife and I like shopping , so we usually go on shopping on Saturdays . We have a holiday every August . We often go to Izmir in Turkey for holiday . I ____________________ a bike and Kim walks around , because she doesn ? t know how to ride a bike . We like Izmir very much , so we go to there every summer .