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Cranial cavity

Ventral cavity

Pericardial cavity

Pelvic Cavity

Pleural cavity

Dorsal body cavity

Thoracic cavity

Mediastinum cavity

Abdominal Cavity

Abdominopelvic cavity

Vertebral (Spinal) cavity

Principal Body Cavities

superior portion of the ventral cavity, this cavity is surrounded by ribs, sternum, the thoracic vertebrae. It has three smaller cavities

2 cavities, each surrounding a lung

superior portion containing the stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, small intestine and most of the large intestine.

anterior aspect of the body; divided into two subdivisions by the diaphragm

Dorsal body cavity, Ventral cavity

inferior portion of the ventral cavity. It extends from the diaphragm to the groin. It is divided into two separate cavities

Posterior aspect of the body and divided into two subdivisions

formed by the cranial (skull) bones and contains the brain.

fluid-filled space that surrounds the heart. Located between the lungs

central portion of thoracic cavity between lungs, extends from sternum to vertebral column, & neck to diaphragm. Does not contain lungs.

formed by the vertebrae (or bones of the vertebral column). This cavity contains the spinal cord and the beginnings of the spinal nerves.

inferior portion containing the urinary bladder, appendix, sigmoid colon, rectum, and reproductive organs