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Jouer Relier Colonnes

Lymphatic and immune systems

Skeletal system

Urinary system

Integumentary system

Nervous system

Respiratory system

Cardiovascular system

Muscular system

Reproductive system

Digestive system

Endocrine system

Regulates vol. & chemical comp. of blood, eliminates wastes, regulates fluid & electrolyte bal., maintain acid-base & calcium, regulate RBC

Participates in bringing about movement, maintains posture, and produces heat.

Performs the physical and chemical breakdown and absorption of food for use by cells and eliminates solid and other wastes.

carries O2 & nutrients to cells, carbon dioxide & wastes away from cells, protects against disease, prevents hemorrhage & helps regulate body temp

Regulates body activities, detecting changes in internal & external environment, interpreting changes, inducing muscular contractions

Returns proteins &plasma, transports fats, filters body fluid, helps produce certain wbc, &helps protect against disease through antibodies

Reproduces the organism

Supports & protects body, assists in body movements, houses cells that give rise to blood cells, and stores minerals.

Supplies oxygen, eliminates carbon dioxide, helps regulate the acid- base balance of the body, and produce vocal sounds.

Regulate body temp, protects body, eliminates wastes, helps produce vitamin D, receives certain stimuli such as temp, pressure, pain.

Regulates body activities through hormones, chemicals transported in the blood to various target organs of the body.