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When my parents and I finish our breakfast , I always ____________________ the table after that .
I forgot to ____________________ the plants . They are dead now .
My mom never ____________________ the floor in the evening because she is always tired after work .
Sam , can you please ____________________ the dishwasher when we finish dinner ?
When I visit my grandma she always ____________________ the table with best food in the house : pancakes , pizza , chicken legs and vegetables ! I love her food .
My favourite T - shirt doesn't look good today . I need to ____________________ it now .
Mum asked me to ____________________ the washing machine and ____________________ ____________________ the clothes .
The rubbish bin smells terrible ! Can you ____________________ ____________________ the rubbish please ?
I never ____________________ my bed in the morning because I don't have time for this .
My friends never walk in the park with me because they ____________________ ____________________ their sisters and brothers .