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We're here today to celebrate the work of our collegue , June Davies , on her retirement . June has worked her way up through the company and proved that leaving school at 16 is no ____________________ to success . Among June's many ____________________ was the introduction of the new website and her work on the holiday rota is an annual ____________________ of organization ! But the route to sucess has not always been straighforward : June has had to overcome many ____________________ along the way . As many of you know , June has now made a good recovery following a long ____________________ with illness . She was also among the staff who feared for their lives during the terrifying ____________________ of the fire on the third floor last year . Happily , those things are in the past and in retirement June and her husband Ron plan to visit their daughter in Australia . We wish her the very best of luck on this ____________________ and look forward to hearing about her ____________________ " down under " .