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1. System Software
computer run A the to that it software programs that makes possible the category of contains software on other.
2. Operating System
such computer's functions as basic supports of that scheduling applications, peripherals A type and, a executing, controlling tasks software.
3. Device Driver
or is support as a mouse within the a level printer device driver works piece a low such system at of software that peripheral A a operating to small.
4. Application
Software web word email like processing as a programs that, programs with browsers computer, and work user you.
5. Utilities
programs keep Software your working that programs anti like virus, safe correctly- computer and software and backup.
6. Programing Tools
that create computer are used to edit programs and programs Software.
7. Word Processing
program allows A edit documents and to, that you print create.
8. Spreadsheet
that data form or grid A analyze, and allows tabular organize store a program to you in.
9. Database
A information retrieve that store helps and software, us, powerful organize program.
10. Presentation Software
graphics you to can that large screen with a A, that, design, computer. screens audio etc be or shown text program helps on.
11. Multimedia
music interactive like A videos of, images data, types, and collection.
12. Web Browser
that interact with Internet A you format the in lets program graphical a.
13. Proprietary Software
where remain Software the or the publisher creator ownership copyright and software with.
14. EULA
or the more agreement that one copies a user software use of to the An allows right.
15. Freeware
other be Software shared with have do pay that users and for not can to you.
16. Shareware
that the either need then stop small for you to will, for using use free fee you Software a program or time short pay can a.
17. Open-Source
Software is to modify that use free by user and any
18. Public Domain
without modify domain and use restrictions free any software Public is to.