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That's a great idea! I was thinking, since Cartagena is so hot , maybe we should get her a nice pair of sunglasses.

Hey, have you heard that Alexandra is moving away to that sunny and hot city next month?

Well, yeah, you're right. But maybe we could get her a really stylish pair that's perfect for that hot weather.

That's a good point. I guess we should find out if she's the type of person who wears sunglasses regularly.

That's a smart idea. We want to make sure our gift is practical and meaningful.

I Agree. Let's get more information before we make a final decision. the idea is to give her useful gift.

Exactly. Maybe we could ask her friends or family if she's into sunglasses or if there's something else she might need for her move.

Hmm, that sounds like a a good idea , but do you think it's a practical gift? I mean, she probably already has sunglasses, right?

True, she might appreciate that. But we should also consider whether she'll actually use them. Not everyone likes wearing sunglasses all the time.

Yeah, I heard about it. I'm going to miss her so much. We should get her a gift or something.