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Jouer Froggy Jumps
1. You are working at a primary care office, and are completing a health history with a new patient. You inquire about their alcohol use, and they respond by saying "I drink a lot." What is your next best action?
Refer the patient to an outpatient rehab facility
Document "yes" to alcohol use in the patient's chart and notify the provider.
Complete the CAGE questionnaire to elicit further information
2. You are a working as a community nurse in an OBGYN clinic and are meeting with a patient who is at their 6 week postpartum follow-up appointment. Which of the following screenings is of priority importance?
Postpartum depression screening
Pain screening
Neither of the above
3. You are participating in an annual blood pressure screening fair at a local library. Which patient is at the HIGHEST risk for hypertension?
A 58 year old African American male with diabetes
A 40 year old female with a family history of hypertension
A 60 year old male who drinks one glass of red wine with dinner 3 nights per week.
4. You are volunteering at a local family health center and are tasked with educating parents on the risks of childhood obesity. Based on the Healthy People 2030 objectives, what would be an appropriate goal to discuss?
Increase the number of children aged 2-5 to get no more than 5 hours of screen time a day
Increase the number of children aged 2 and over who consume fruit
Decrease the number of middle school children that engage in contact sports.
5. Which of the following BEST describes how service learning ties into the Healthy People 2030 goals and objectives?
It teaches nursing students how to identify disparities in health care and address barriers to care
It teaches nursing students the importance of volunteering their free time
Neither of the above
6. You are working as the triage nurse in the Emergency Department and a patient enters complaining of vision changes and dizziness one hour prior to arrival. Your next BEST action is to
Finish with the intake information and ask the triage nursing assistant to obtain vital signs.
Activate the code stroke team and prepare the patient for CT scan
Ask them when their last eye exam was
7. You are working on a telemetry unit and your patient is experiencing asymptomatic bradycardia at 56 bpm. The monitor shows a 2:1 AV conduction block. Your next BEST action is to...
Administer the patient's next dose of metoprolol and notify the provider of the monitor changes
Obtain VS and place patient on the bedside Zoll monitor. Notify the provider immediately.
Administer Atropine 1mg IV push
8. You are working with your preceptor during your clinical rotation in the Emergency Department when she asks you to place an IV in a patient while she pulls medications from the Pyxus. You know that this act would be considered...
Outside of your scope of practice per the Nurse Practice Act
Appropriate given you have practiced this skill in the clinical lab setting several times
Neither of the above
9. You are working as a night staff nurse on a medsurg floor and notice your patient with dementia is becoming increasingly agitated. You should:
Explain to the patient that they are disturbing their roommate.
Place the patient in soft wrist restraints until the agitation resolves.
Move the patient closer to the nurse's station and ensure the bed alarm is activated.
10. You are the nurse caring for a patient in ESRD who is s/p fall with left hip fracture and complaining of severe pain. The doctor orders Morphine 2 mg IV push STAT. Your next BEST action is to:
Hold the medication and immediately clarify the order with the physician.
Administer the medication as ordered and reassess their pain score in 15-20 minutes.
Attempt non-pharmocological pain management interventions first before administering opioids.
11. A student nurse is assisting in a community outreach event to educate patients with newly diagnosed diabetes on how to use a blood glucometer. What would be the BEST method for evaluating the effectiveness of the teaching?
Patient provides return demonstration on use of the blood glucometer.
Patient completes the instructor feedback survey
Patient verbalizes understanding on how to obtain a blood glucose reading.
12. You recently graduated with your BSN and were offered a job at a local hospital that runs a Nurse Residency Program. Which of the following accrediting agencies would you expect provides ongoing evaluation of this program?
CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education)
The Joint Commission
13. Which of the following actions are MOST effective during the evaluation process of evidence-based practice?
Dialogue, reflection, learning and improvement
Memorizing the regulatory agency expectations for site accreditation
Neither answers are correct
14. You are part of the falls committee for your hospital. What is a key consideration when evaluating the effectiveness of the interventions?
Using a systematic and planned process to collect and analyze data
Ensuring key stakeholders are part of the evaluation process
Both answers are correct
15. A nursing student is taking a class on Evidence Based Practice and knows that the following is true regarding the evaluation process:
Evaluation of outcomes plays an integral part in the ongoing decision making process of EBP
Evaluation of outcomes is only important when considering site accreditations
Evaluation of outcomes is performed solely by nursing administration