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Hmm ? ____________________ , I suppose . Yes , the most important one is sight , I guess ? I mean , if you ? re ____________________ , if you can ? t see , then although you can ____________________ a full life and all that , I think it does make you more ____________________ , more ____________________ on other people , I don ? t know , for ____________________ little things like , for instance , like ____________________ shopping or whatever , and I would really hate it if I couldn ? t see what things or people looked like ? or the ____________________ on a person ? s face when they ? re talking to you . I mean , you wouldn ? t even know if they were looking at you or whether they looked ____________________ in what you were saying .
No , I haven ? t , but I read an article about a man who went ____________________ and then his ____________________ was restored to him , and he talked about how ____________________ it can be if you can ? t hear . He said that you miss out on a lot of things , that although you can ____________________ ? ne when you need to , you miss out on the ____________________ of a conversation , and the thing he missed most was ____________________ ? the humor in spontaneous conversation ? because it all gets slowed down when you ? re signing .
And he really missed listening to music ; that was the worst part , he said . That , and not being able to hear his wife ? s ____________________ . And he said that it was really strange to start with when he regained
his hearing . Everything ____________________ much ____________________ . He said he actually misses total silence sometimes , just not hearing anything , and that it can be really ____________________ .

Um , I don ? t know ? but maybe ____________________ , I guess ? like somebody can just walk past you on the street and you can ____________________ the smell of their ____________________ and it reminds you really strongly of somebody ? or ____________________ ? I can ? t remember where I was the other day , but I suddenly ____________________ the most wonderful cooking smells : coconut oil and spices , and it ____________________ me so strongly of my vacation in the Caribbean ? I could see the palm trees , taste the food , feel the sun on my ____________________ ? yes , I
think smell ____________________ the strongest , most vivid ____________________ .
This may seem like a strange answer , but maybe ____________________ ? you know , the sense of touch ? I think it ? s probably the one we take the most for ____________________ , being able to feel things , and it ? s not ? it ? s not , you know , a sense that ? s ____________________ to one part of your body , either ? it ? s everything , every single ____________________ , every single bit of your
skin . I remember seeing a ____________________ about a man who was born deaf and mute and had later lost his ____________________ in an accident ? he lived a full life ? he was eighty - something and he still ____________________ and even ____________________ . He just lived his life totally through his sense of touch . In this ____________________ , they showed him visiting other people like him in Japan . It was amazing ? they used an international ____________________
____________________ which was based on touch ? they would touch each other and sign on each other ? s ____________________ , and they could feel each other talking ? and it showed them going to a drum concert too ? like a ____________________ Japanese drum concert ? and they could feel the music , I mean they could feel the ____________________ of the drums , even
though they couldn ? t hear them . It was just totally ____________________ .

Well , usually I ? m ____________________ for my sense of ____________________ ! Sometimes I can taste things that nobody else even ____________________ . For example , when someone cooks for me , I can tell which ____________________ were used . Sometimes my mom will try to fool me by ____________________ something I ? ve never eaten before in the food , but in that case I can always identify that there is something strange in the food . I love ____________________ something I ? ve never tasted before !

If food is ____________________ , I know it right away . Recently I had some really hot soup and ____________________ my ____________________ . It was strange not being able to taste things as strongly , everything tasted so ____________________ , but I was back to normal after a couple of days .