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" Frankenstein " by Mary ____________________ is a classic novel that tells the story of ____________________ Frankenstein , a young ____________________ who becomes obsessed with the idea of ____________________ ____________________ . Set in the 18th century , the novel explores themes of ____________________ , scientific curiosity , and the consequences of playing ____________________ .

The story begins with a series of ____________________ written by a man named Robert ____________________ , who is on an Arctic ____________________ . He ____________________ Victor Frankenstein , who is near ____________________ and tells him his tragic ____________________ .

Victor Frankenstein , a ____________________ and ambitious ____________________ , is fascinated by the ____________________ of life and death . He becomes ____________________ by his experiments to create a ____________________ being from dead body ____________________ . After years of work , he ____________________ in ____________________ his creature to ____________________ , but is ____________________ by its grotesque ____________________ and abandons it .
The creature , who is ____________________ and rejected by ____________________ , experiences loneliness and ____________________ . He learns to speak and read through ____________________ a family in a remote ____________________ . However , when he tries to interact with ____________________ , he is ____________________ with fear and ____________________ due to his ____________________ .

The novel explores the themes of ____________________ , prejudice , and the consequences of ____________________ ambition . The creature seeks ____________________ on Victor for ____________________ him and then ____________________ him , leading to a tragic and destructive ____________________ of ____________________ .
As the story ____________________ , both Victor and the creature suffer the ____________________ of their ____________________ . Victor's ____________________ of knowledge and power ultimately leads to the ____________________ of his loved ____________________ , while the creature's isolation and ____________________ for acceptance drive him to commit acts of ____________________ .

" Frankenstein " is a cautionary tale that raises ____________________ about the ethical and moral ____________________ of scientific ____________________ and the ____________________ that come with it . It is a timeless story that continues to captivate readers with its ____________________ of the human ____________________ and the consequences of tampering with the forces of ____________________ .