Créer une activité
Jouer Relier Colonnes
[Pista de audio]

Running on fumes

[Pista de audio]

Sell (someone) out

[Pista de audio]

Go the extra mile

[Pista de audio]

To sell (someone) on (something)

[Pista de audio]

Blow (someone) away

to make a special effort/try very hard to achieve your goal

to convince some to do something by being persuasive

to amazed someone

to snitch on someone or to tell their secret

feeling exhausted and barely able to stay awake

[Pista de audio]

Be tickled pink

[Pista de audio]

Under the weather/Feeling under the weather

[Pista de audio]

Could not care less

[Pista de audio]

Blow smoke

[Pista de audio]

Cry wolf

used to express a complete lack of interest in something

to be extremely excited and happy

to call out a false alarm; to lie about needing aid

to make someone think they are better than they really are

to be ill or not feeling well