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is Aamphibian AIt AA Aunderwater. A Afrog Aan Alives. A
2. How do frogs start their life?
tadpole FFrogs Fa Ftheir Fstart Flife Fas. F F
are Fcatch FThey. F Ffood Ffor Fhave FFrogs, F Fcarnivorous Fto Flong Fsticky Ftongue Fa Finsects. F
4. How is my skin? How does it help me?
moist Fhave Fstay, F Fthat Fthem Fhelps Fsmooth FFrogs Fslimy Fskin. F
5. What is the difference between Reptiles and Amphibians?
So Sreptiles Slike Shave Sdo Sscales Sdon't Sthey. S
Frogs Ftheir Fbecause Fcan Fof Fjump Fdistances Fpowerful Flegs Fhind Flong. F
their Fin Fare Flay FFrogs Fbecause Feggs Fthey Fwater Foviparous. F