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I usually ____________________ up at 6 A . M . , I ____________________ breakfast a few minutes later .
I ____________________ my hair everyday , and he ____________________ that too .
I ____________________ to school by bike . At school my friends ____________________ me and we ____________________ class together .
At noon we ____________________ lunch and most of the times the lunch ____________________ not that good .
When I ____________________ home in the evening , I ____________________ doing my homework .
Most of the times , I ____________________ vocabulary by heart . If I ____________________ ready , I ____________________ to bed .
The next morning it ____________________ all over again .
He ____________________ television every day .
Water ____________________ at 100°C .
He ____________________ cards at noon .
He ____________________ to the radio every once in a while .
She ____________________ becoming a woman .
Oil ____________________ on water .