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Urban tribes and social groups are groups of people who share common interests , ____________________ , or ____________________ . These groups can be found in cities all over the world and they come in many different shapes and sizes .

Some urban tribes are based on ____________________ and style . For example , there are groups of people who like to ____________________ in a certain way , such as goths or punks . Other urban tribes are based on ____________________ , such as fans of hip hop or heavy metal . Some groups are based on activities , such as ____________________ or bikers .

Being part of an urban tribe can be a great way to meet new people and make ____________________ . You can share your ____________________ with others and learn new things from them . It can also give you a sense of belonging and ____________________ .

However , it's important to remember that not everyone will understand or accept your tribe . Some people may judge or ____________________ against you because of your ____________________ or lifestyle . It's important to be proud of who you are and not let others bring you down .

In conclusion , urban tribes and social groups are a fun and exciting way to ____________________ with like - minded people . Whether you're into ____________________ , music , or activities , there is a tribe out there for you . Just remember to stay true to yourself and don't let anyone bring you down .