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What does Jack do at school ?

Jack studies many different ____________________ at school . After school he plays
lots of sports . Jack has seven ____________________ every school day . On Monday
mornings he learns about other countries in ____________________ . Jack's
favourite day at school is Friday . He ____________________ Fridays because he has P . E .
Jack likes ____________________ .
Jack's friend at school is Tom . Tom likes learning languages . His
favourite subjects are ____________________ and Music . Tom does not like ____________________ ,
because he is not good at numbers .
After school Tom and Jack usually ____________________ TV at home . Tom also
____________________ to music after school . They both do their ____________________ and go to
bed at 9 : 30 P . M .
On ____________________ they don't ____________________ lessons at school . But Tom has private
piano lessons at home . Jack ____________________ at home on weekends . He does
many chores .