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The Golden Gate Bridge
Some of the ____________________ important landmarks ____________________ the United States include feats of architecture and modern engineering . San Francisco , California , ____________________ a beautiful city on its own , ____________________ it is also home to The Golden Gate Bridge , a 1 . 7 mile suspension bridge connecting the San Francisco Peninsula to the Marin Headlands . ____________________ bridge holds the title of one of the Wonders of the Modern World according to the American Society of Civil Engineers .

One of the most popular ways to appreciate the bridge is to ____________________ an excursion to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area just ____________________ of San Francisco . The park contains hiking trails , great spots for picnicking , ____________________ offers some of the ____________________ vantage points for panoramic photographs of the bridge leading into the city .

David recently had some friends visit ____________________ in San Francisco , and he made ____________________ to include a visit to the recreation area ____________________ part of their tour . They enjoyed walking through the trails , observing some of the ____________________ wildlife , and even having a casual picnic in the park . David ? s friends ____________________ thankful that he guided ____________________ through ____________________ impressive area of California . They made sure to take a group photograph with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background . David ? s friends ____________________ the picture framed , and ____________________ later presented ____________________ to David in order to thank him for his hospitality during their stay .