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1 . Sara enjoys ____________________ to the
beach in the summer .
2 . Tim prefers ____________________ ____________________ inside
when it's hot .
3 . Some people like ____________________ ____________________
movies at a theater .
4 . Lee enjoys ____________________ movies
on his computer .
5 . Carla loves ____________________ ____________________
computer games in the evening .
6 . Tim likes ____________________ ____________________ new
card games .
7 . Ana enjoys ____________________ time
with friends on weekends .
8 . Binh prefers ____________________ ____________________ books
on weekends .
9 . Claudia likes ____________________ ____________________ in the
park .
10 . Sam loves ____________________ blog
posts in the evenings .
11 . Lara and Bill like ____________________ ____________________ to
live music in the park in the summer .