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Companies engage in acquisitions and mergers because that is one of the easiest ways to secure fast ____________________ and diversify their investment ____________________ . As Europe expands and investors increase , the idea of merging appeals to more and more companies . Moreover , the sale of government - owned businesses has meant that large companies are entering the market , aiming to ____________________ potential rivals but often at the same time becoming possible ____________________ companies on the prowl . However , with all this merger activity the success are still not good , and statistics show that many fail . Potential for other ____________________ of success are still not good , and statistics show that many fail .

Yet every time two major companies announce a merger , euphoria sweeps the stock markets as dealers and shareholders look forward to making huge ____________________ Many alliances are not financially successful , however , and don't succeed in increasing ____________________ value or creating wealth for all involved . Too often , culture conflicts and personality clashes are part of the reason why alliances end in
____________________ . As Steven Barrett , head of Mergers and Acquisitions at accountants KPMG said , 'When they don't work , the two key management groups do not blend well together . '