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Career path

Behavior modeling

Management education

Employee counseling services

Career plateau

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

Reasonable accommodation


Employee wellness program (EWP)

Programs that seek to ensure that employees can overcome personal problems (such as substance abuse or stress) to remain effective in the workplace.

The point in a career where the likelihood of additional hierarchical promotion is low.

The development of a capacity to focus on the generations that will follow oneself.

A law that prohibits employers from discriminating against individuals with disabilities.

Employers must make reasonable accommodations for employees with covered disabilities, before disciplining or terminating such employees.

A sequence of jobs, usually involving related tasks and experiences, that employees move through over time.

A training method where trainees observe a model performing a target behavior correctly.

The acquisition of a broad range of conceptual knowledge and skills in formal classroom situations in degree-granting institutions.

Programs that promote employee behavior and organizational practices that ensure employee health.

A relationship between a junior and senior member of an organization that contributes to the career development of both members.