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Errata are ____________________ to ____________________ non - ____________________ ____________________ in an ____________________ edition of Title ____________________ .
____________________ are the result of CBSC - ____________________ additions , amendments , ____________________ and / or ____________________ ____________________ standards within an ____________________ edition of Title ____________________ .
____________________ recommends either Method A or Method B for maintaining ____________________ ____________________ loose - ____________________ binders .
Method ____________________ ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Method A ? Remove and Insert
1 . Read the ? General Information ? on the cover sheet provided with each issued supplement or ____________________ .
2 . Remove ____________________ pages as indicated and replace with the new pages .
3 . Place the ____________________ sheet on ____________________ of the removed pages . Staple or clip these pages together as a ____________________ .
4 . Place the set in the ____________________ of the code binder with the most recent on top .
5 . Also place the History Note Appendix in the back of the code binder on top of the sets of superseded pages , with the most ____________________ on top .
Over the ____________________ - year life of the edition of Title 24 , more than ____________________ set of supplements and ____________________ may be ____________________ .
Method ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Method B ? Retain and Insert
1 . ____________________ the ? General Information ? on the cover sheet provided with each issued supplement or errata .
2 . Insert the new pages and , instead of removing the superseded pages , ____________________ them in half , maintaining the old pages ____________________ to the ____________________ pages . This includes updating the History Note Appendix .
3 . Place the ____________________ sheet of issued supplements or errata into the front ____________________ of the binder for reference .
Method B allows for easy access to current code ____________________ if a ____________________ is not yet ____________________ , and for ____________________ of previous code requirements .
An issued ____________________ may not yet be ____________________ , so ____________________ the ____________________ page ( s ) is essential for ____________________ application of the code .