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Waiter and Customer Discussing Today's Specials

Waiter : Good evening ! ____________________ to our restaurant . Are you ____________________ to order ?

Customer : Yes , I am . What are ____________________ specials ?

Waiter : Today , we have grilled salmon with lemon butter sauce , chicken Alfredo pasta , and a vegetable stir - fry . What ____________________ you like to have ?

Customer : I'll ____________________ the grilled salmon , please .
Waiter Recommending a Dish to the Customer

Waiter : Good morning ! How ____________________ I assist you today ?

Customer : Hi there ! What would you ____________________ for breakfast ?

Waiter : Our ____________________ is the fluffy pancakes with maple syrup and fresh berries . It's a customer favorite . What would you ____________________ to have ?

Customer : I'd ____________________ the fluffy pancakes , please .
Waiter Taking the Customer's Order

Waiter : Good afternoon ! Can I ____________________ your order ?

Customer : Yes , please . What would you recommend for ____________________ ?

Waiter : Our chef's ____________________ is the chocolate lava cake served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream . It's absolutely ____________________ . What would you like to have ?

Customer : I'll have the chocolate lava cake , please .

Waiter : Excellent choice ! Here you ____________________ .